Immigration: Coming to America

How It Works: 
Immigration: Coming to America is a thematic unit that explores the history of immigration in America and the richness of our multicultural society.  Students will recall the arrival and hardships of early immigrants; the dreams of freedom and liberty that brought them to America’s shore, and our lasting symbols of hope and freedom.  Immigration: Coming to America introduces the meaning/concept of liberty and the sacrifices and hardships many people have endured to achieve it.  

Through this unit, students will gain a greater appreciation for the freedom and liberty they enjoy as citizens, and also develop tolerance and empathy for new immigrant, and place a greater value on the cultural diversity that is the fabric of our American traditions.

Using new technologies, students will research and create computer generated projects that reflect the meaning of Liberty/Freedom and narrates the long journey of those who continue to seek these rights in coming to America. This unit incorporates hands-on and project-based lessons to enhance student learning and critical thinking skills. 

Social Science:
Learn about the arrival of early immigrants to Ellis Island.
Explain the history of Ellis Island.
Learn about the immigration experience from the late 1800s through the early 1920s.
Compare and contrast the immigrant experience.
Identify famous immigrants to America.
Research the contributions of famous immigrants to America.
Learn about the history and symbolism of the Statue of Liberty.

Practice reading and understanding information in a table.
Convert data into a graph

Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks.
Select and use a variety of web resources to gather appropriate data.
Use graphics programs for a variety of purposes including multimedia.
Use integrated software packages.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:
10 or more

Software Materials Used:
Internet connection, computers, printers, selected literature, handouts/worksheets,  KidPix, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, art supplies, maps, globes.

immigration, symbolism, liberty, immigrant, multicultural, steerage, exclusion, graph, table

This project is designed for 6th grade geography students, but can be modified for lower grades.

The intent of this project is to provide an opportunity for students to gain an appreciation for the diversity of our American Society.  America has a rich tradition and history of being a beacon of hope and freedom to the world.  America represents a shining example to all nations of the world on the importance of liberty and freedom for its entire people regardless of race, gender, or creed.

Yesterday as still today, people around the world come by foot, boats and on planes holding on to the dream of being free. This unit provides an excellent beginning for multicultural studies and tolerance education.  All throughout our nation, our schools and communities reflect the cultural richness of America and embodied the enduring principles of life, liberty, and happiness that first brought our forefathers upon this new land.

This unit bridges the walls that often divides our nation and expands the students’ understanding of the principles that keeps America’s freedom light burning. Through the use of new technologies, student can experience first-hand the experiences of early immigrants.  This project integrates multimedia to both captivate and enhance the learning of students.  Students are engaged in a variety of tasks that are collaborating, motivating, and meaningful. 

Create a checklist of all materials.
Photocopy handouts/worksheets days ahead.
Bookmark all Internet sites.

About the Teacher: 
Morris Gil is in his 12th year in Miami Dade County Public Schools. He is the Technology Resource Teacher at Fienberg Fisher Elementary.  He is responsible for all the technology training and management of the school-wide network. Morris is also the Parent Trainer for the Citibank FamilyTech program at his school.

He has been a Middle School Social Studies Teacher and Team Leader.  He has worked in the private sector as a Training Specialist in Educational Technology.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership/School Administration. 

Social Science and Math

Grade Levels: 
5th and 6th grade

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