Lesson 4

         Goldilocks and The Three Bears

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  • Students will participate in shared reading using predictable language texts.

  • Students will respond to literature through a variety of activities including choral, art, music.

  • Students will identify relevant supporting details and arrange events in chronological order.

  • Students will produce sounds and letters by writing letters and matching letters and sounds.

  • Students will use initial sounds to represent word structure.

  • Students will create a simple map.

Time Required:

  • 3 - One hour sessions


  • cottage

  • cozy

  • woods

  • porridge

  • large, great, big

  • wee, little, tiny, small

  • middle-sized, medium

  • curious


  • Goldilocks and The Three Bears

  • Picture cards of story

  • Story Map chart (characters, setting, problem and solution)

  • Bear cutout

  • Internet

  • KidPix


  • Show the cover and read the title of story.  Make predictions and discuss what the story might be about. Take a picture walk making some predictions.  Read and discuss story.

  • Use the Story Map and picture cards of story to discusss the characters, setting, problem and solution of the story.

  • Students can use the picture cards to retell the stoy in their own words.

  • Use a bear cutout and ask students to say the sound they hear at the beginning of the word bear.   Write "bear" on the the board and point out the "b" at the beginning.  Show students different pictures and have them help you decide whether they begin with the /b/ sound as in bear.  If the pictures begin with the /b/, place them beside/under/near the bear cutout.  If the pictures do not begin with the /b/ sound turn them facedown.  Students can make their own collections of /b/ pictures.   Give each child an envelope and a bear cutout.  They glue their bear cutout to the envelope and write the letter "b" on it.  Students can look through clip art and print "b"pictures or use magazines to search for initial "b" picture words and place in their envelope.


  • Have students use KidPix to create/illustrate a map of the woods.  They must include the path that Goldilocks took from her house to the Three Bear's cottage.
  • Students will be evaluated on the map they created.  You can visit rubistar.4teachers.org for an example of a rubric or to create your own.

Extension Activities:

  • Use the story to introudce/discuss the concepts of hot and cold.  Divide chart paper in half and label one side "hot" and one side "cold."  Show students pictures of various things that are hot and cold (i.e., snowman, soup, ice, fire, etc.) and have students place them in the appropriate side.  Have students work in groups or individually to find pictures of "hot" and "cold" things in magazines or using the computer with clip art.  Have the groups place their pictures in the appropriate side.  Discuss the chart and talk about why it is in the section it is in.
  • Students can complete an on-line puzzle about the bears.  Once they have completed the puzzle they can send the puzzle as a post card to a friend.

Home Learning:

  • For home learning, students will make and assemble a printable puzzle about the story.  If students do not have access to the Internet at home, print out a sheet for each student on cardstock in order to complete. Students can also write a sentence aboout their puzzle picture.


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