Lesson 2

         The Little Red Hen

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  • Students will participate in shared reading using predictable language texts.

  • Students will respond to literature through a variety of activities including choral, art, music.

  • Students will identify relevant supporting details and arrange events in chronological order.

  • Students will produce sounds and letters by writing letters and matching letters and sounds.

  • Students will use initial sounds to represent word structure.

Time Required:

  • 3 - One hour sessions


  • wheat

  • mill

  • grind

  • tend

  • thresh



  • Build prior knowledge by asking students what they do at home to help their families such as set the table, take out the trash, feed the pet, etc.  Also ask children how they would feel if they were the only one at home who had chores to do.

  • Show the cover and read title of story.  Tell students that they will be listening to a story about a hen who had to work hard while others relaxed.  Take a picture walk making some predictions.   Read story and discuss story events and elements.

  • After reading the story have the students recall the steps the little red hen takes to make the bread.  Write each step on the board/chart with small illustration of each action.  Place students in groups.  Then have each group create a book illustrating the steps in making bread using KidPix.  Assign each student one action that the hen did.  Students will draw an illustration and type the word of the action.  The groups will place the pictures in the correct order when they have printed their pictures.  Create a cover for the group's book titled "The Little Red Hen Makes Bread."  Add all their names as authors and illustrators.  Do this with each group. ***Optional - After discussing the steps the hen took, you might want to make bread with the class and then continue with this activity.

  • The Little Red Hen is always busy but you can slow her down to get her to help your children with phonemic awareness.   After reading the story, use the hen to introduce or review the sound/h/.    Talk about the sound they hear at the beginning of the word hen.   Explain that the beginning sound is made by the letter H and have the children point out the uppercase and lowercase H's.  Display several pictures of things beginning with the /h/ sound and other sounds.  Have children take turns choosing one of the pictures.  Ask the student to say the word and identify its beginning sound.   If the word begins with /h/, have them place it under the letter H or a hen with an H in it, if it does not then they will place it down (you can also do thumbs up, thumbs down).  Continue playing game until each card has been used.  Have children read all the /h/ pictures, listening for the same beginning sounds.

  • Using any program that has clip art, have students find pictures that begin with /h/ sound.  Have them print 3 or 4 pictures to create their own set of the hen and picture cards.  Students can cut and glue their pictures on construction paper.


  • Students will be evaluated on the correct order of the steps in making bread.  Also on their illustrations and correct action they created using KidPix.  You can visit rubistar.4teachers.org for an example of a rubric or to create your own.
  • Students can also be evaluated on finding the correct pictures with the /h/ sound.

Extension Activities:

  • Students can go online to view/read slide show story of the The Little Red Hen.
  • Take students on a field trip to a local bakery or bread company where they can view the process of making bread.
  • Make bread with the class.

Home Learning:

  • Discuss with students how the little red hen worked hard doing the housework and tending her wheat.  For home learning, have students draw a picture of themselves working hard at home or school and complete the sentence ________________ works hard __________________.  Students write their name on the first line and then a phrase completing the sentence such making the bed, doing homework, etc.
  • Go online and print an Activity Card for each student to take home.  Students will complete Activity Card at home to reinforce the story.


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