Com-post With Us?

How It Works: 
“Com-Post With Us” is an environmental project that will allow students at Southside Elementary to broaden the existing recycling program started last year. Students will continue learning the importance of recycling and conservation through programs such as: “Waste Warriors” who collect papers for recycling, and “Cartridges for Kids Club,” which promotes recycling of cell phones and printer cartridges in exchange for money. Students will continue to study the impact of waste on our environment and will gain insight on ways to protect it through conservation. The new added features of this project will include: creating a compost for the purpose of using its contents for fertilizing, and planting several gardens, such as, vegetables, flowers, fruits, etc., which will be used as scientific laboratories for conducting experiments. Through lessons generated from the Department of Environmental and Resource Management (DERM) website, as well as a website created solely for this project, students will learn about the different recycling programs offered to their community, and how waste is discarded. Field trips to the Environmental Center to learn about composting, and to a recycling plant, will also allow students to learn first-hand how both of these processes are done. Finally, students will work in collaborative groups to present a multimedia project on composting and recycling at the end of the school year.

The National Standards addressed in this project are: Language Arts, Math, Science, and Technology The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) addressed in this project are: (1) Basic Operations and concepts (3) Technology Productivity Tools (5) Technology research tools (6) Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:  

Software Materials Used:
Students need to have access to the Internet, Inspiration (which can be downloaded free for a 30 day trial), a presentation software program, and finally, a projector to show the presentation to peers, staff, and parents.

Composting, Recycling, Environment, Waste

This project is designed for third through fifth grade students but can be adapted for any grade level. This project would greatly benefit academically challenging students because they would be working in collaborative groups where everyone has an equally important role.

The most valuable feature of this project is that students will learn to work with each other, in a heterogeneous setting, while gaining an awareness of environmental needs facing the world today. Through the use of technology, field trips, and hands-on activities, students will become proactive in an environmental issue. They will learn that the home, school and community must work together for a common purpose. Through this project students will be engrossed in learning a variety of skills while having fun creating, collaborating, and problem solving. When learning is meaningful it becomes long lasting. Effective uses of new media include the integration of the latest technologies with the curriculum, replacing sometimes outdated and boring textbooks. Through the commitment of teachers, students, parents and the community, this project will enthusiastically spark learners to begin making commitments that will help save our world.

When selecting the groups of students, make sure that each group is heterogeneously comprised of academically challenged and advanced students. Students should have some knowledge of a presentation program, such as PowerPoint

About the Teacher: 
Rosa Duarte is in her 29th year working for Miami-Dade County Public Schools.  Holding a Master’s Degree in ESE, she specialized in autism. She was a Staffing Specialist and a District Support Teacher for the Autistic Program.  She received her Educational Specialist in Computer Applications and in 1996, became the Technology Coordinator/Computer Teacher/ Webmaster at Southside Elementary. She has been awarded several Success Grants, Citibank FamilyTech Grants from the Ed Fund, AT&T Teachnet Grants, and IMPACT II Disseminator Grants. 

Math & Science

Grade Levels: 
K - 12

Email Rosa


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