"Put Your Money Where Your Waste Is" is an environmental project that will allow students to earn money while learning the importance of recycling. The impact of waste and the protection of the environment is its main focus. This will be implemented through several recycling programs: newspapers; cans, bottles, plastics; cell phones; and printer cartridges. As a school-wide project each class will receive recycling bins from the county waste management department.

Through lessons generated from the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) website in Miami, Florida, students will learn which goods are recyclable, how waste is discarded, and how waste affects our environment. A field trip to the Environmental Center will also allow students to learn first-hand how the recycling process is done.

To increase parental involvement and increase an awareness of our environmental needs, parents will be invited to participate in this project at home as well. Students will create posters, write letters, produce web pages, and send email to promote this project and solicit participation of our neighboring businesses.

A national recycling company for collecting and shipping cartridges and cell phones will generate funds. The money will be used for ongoing school activities.


Lesson Plan


This unit supports the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).