

Objective:  Learn to identify and use nouns.

Materials: A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: What is a Noun  by Brian P. Cleary, magazines, scissors, construction paper, glue, computers with Internet access. 

Book Overview:  "Offering a lighthearted look at language, this book shows, rather than explains, the concept of nouns. Young readers are introduced to basic word groups through rhyming verse and illustrations of comical cartoon cats. Brimming with lively examples, this book proves that it's fun to learn grammar! Nouns are printed in color for easy identification, and the playful rhymes and illustrations combine to bring key words into focus. A word-search game at the end encourages readers to apply what they've learned."

Introduction:  The teacher will begin by asking students what they know about words.  Are there different kinds?  Why are they important?  How can they make our writing better?   Introduce nouns.  Begin by reading A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink by Brian P. Cleary, Lead students in a discussion about what the book describes nouns to be.  Point out there are different kinds of nouns like proper nouns.  Have students make a list of nouns they see around them. You can use Noun Brainstorm  sheet.  See if they can separate them into proper nouns and regular nouns then have them pair share with a buddy.  After a few minutes of sharing, do a sweep around the room and have student pairs share out loud what they came up with.  Ask students how this can be helpful in their writing. Provide students with magazines and construction paper and have them cut out pictures and words to make a "Noun Collage".

Web Activities:  Students will go to the Name it and Noun Activity.  Here they will try to identify common and proper nouns.  If there is extra time, students can go to Parts of Speech Games or Noun Dunk.

Assessment:  Have students complete What is a Noun? and turn in for assessment.  

Home Learning: 
Students will complete Noun Word Search.   

Extension Activity:
Students can write a story with cloze sentences and have their peers come up with nouns to fill in the blanks.  
