Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

Vocabulary/Comprehension Mini-Test

(Freckle Juice)

(Chapter 1-3)

Write the definitions to the following words.

1. recipe -


2. allowance -


3. ingredients -


4. blur -


5. speck -


6. mayonnaise -


7. combination -


8. freckle -


9. inspected -


10. arithmetic -


11. vinegar -


12. whispered -


13. aisle -


14. cabinets -

Answer each question in a complete sentence.

1. Who wanted to sell Andrew freckle juice?


2. How much was the freckle juice going to cost?


3. How much did Andrew get each week for his allowance?


4. Who got to read the recipe for freckle juice before Andrew?


5. Where did Andrew put the recipe to keep it safe on the way home?


6. Name three ingredients from the freckle juice recipe.