Venerable Inventors

Lesson Tip
Prior to this lesson the students should have read the biographies of
Alexander G. Bell, Thomas Edison, and Guglielmo Marconi. These
can be read aloud as part of reading instruction.


computer, color ink, paper


  1. The class will brainstorm for words to describe the
    characteristics of the three inventors, such as: tenacious,
    patient, persistent, determined, obstinate, serene, enduring,
    or any words found in the three biographies that describe the
  2. In Microsoft Word click insert and Venn. Type in
    characteristics of each inventor into its proper place. If a
    characteristic is common to all three it will be placed in
    the area of the diagram where they all overlap.
  3. Discuss which ones are most prevalent to all three.

Have students choose all the words that are in the center section (shared by
all three) and write an essay explaining why they think that
these attributes are common to all. 

Then ask students to create a new Venn diagram replacing your their with one of the inventors and see how many of their descriptive words match with the inventors.

Using information from the Venn diagram, the students will
write an expository essay describing the data found on it. They
will place emphasis on any strengths and weaknesses of the
three men.

Venn Diagram 

Create A Venn 

Extension Activities
Draw a large Venn diagram placing the above information
on it and hang it in the classroom.