History of the Telephone, Radio and Light Bulb

Lesson Tip
Reading the information aloud in the classroom will lead to further discussion and a greater understanding of the history of these inventions and the men who created them.


Computer with Internet capabilities


  1. The students will search online for information about the
    inventors of the radio, the telephone and the light bulb.
  2. They may use a search engine such as www.google.com  or 
    www.askjeeves.com  to assist them. 
  3. After having found three to five websites, they will analyze the information. They will gather information about the inventor's name, place and year of birth/death, education, career, and achievements.
  4. Then write an essay concerning the historical information.

Students are evaluated using the following Essay Rubric.

The students will search online and answer the following

1) When and where were Alexander G. Bell, Thomas A.
Edison and Guglielmo Marconi born?

2) Name at least two other patents that each held.

3) How far did each inventor advance in school?
4) Write an opinion essay on which invention was the most
important. Explain your reasons.

United States Early Radio History

History of Radio

Extension Activities