Lesson 1 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs


Students will be able to:

 *Name the layers of the atmosphere and give a description of each one

 *Tell which  layer of the atmosphere we live in

 *State what facts they know about the atmosphere

 *Write three things they know and three things they want to know about the weather

 *Complete a pre-test with 85% accuracy



* Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett 
* Weather by Danielle Ducsay and Michelle Miller 

 Paper to make their list 



1.   Students can begin and maintain a computer-generated  log or a dictionary for the weather unit, it can be saved to the hard drive and student disk.

2.  Ask the class how many of them are familiar with different kinds of weather patterns.

3.   Read stories: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and Weather and discuss it with the students.

4.  Students will work in cooperative groups and discuss/brainstorm all the facts that they know about different kinds of weather patterns and make a list of at least six facts on a  paper.

5.  Students will share their list with the class and write all of the facts given about the different kinds of weather patterns  on the chalkboard.

6.   Students will be given a five question pre-test on weather.

7.   Teacher will conduct a lesson on the characteristics of  weather.  Also, talk about the layers  of the atmosphere.

8.   Students will complete a daily weather log worksheet.

9.   Students will pick three kinds of weather patterns.  The student will illustrate each one, and write three facts about each one.

10. Students will complete their own K-W-L chart (write three things they know and three things they want to learn).


 Students complete their own K-W-L chart.

 Students complete their patterns of weather.

 Students complete pre-test quiz on weather.

Home Learning:

Students will go online daily to weather channel.com and pick five different cities (1 city daily) and write the weather for that city.


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