Family Stories

The best way to write down your family stories is to tape record the family member.   Make sure that there is not too much noise when you record and that you have enough minutes on the tape.  Test the recording first to make sure it is coming out.

Before you begin the taping ask the family member to answer questions you may have.

You may want to ask them specific questions such as:

     Where did they live?

     The type of house, the neighborhood? 

     How was their childhood? 

    What was school like when they were kids? 

    What kind of challenges did they face? 

    Was there any technology back then? If yes what kind?

Or just ask them to tell you about their life, and let them share whatever they want.


Remember, it is possible that some family may not want to talk about certain topics, respect that.


Rewind the tape and now you are ready to write the story (ies)
Use any typing software to type the story (ies).  You may add a picture of the person who told the story.