What's The Connection?

How It Works: 
What do you call a culture when you cross Spanish and English? Spanglish. This unit is mostly geared towards students who are children of immigrants born in the United States. They grow in a mixed culture and sometimes they do not identify with either culture. Many times they are put in the spot of choosing a culture. This project will help students become familiar with their heritage and build a family connection by investigating their families roots. Also they will learn how their culture has contributed in making America what it is today. Students will go on an adventure researching and learning about their parents countries and about themselves.

Social Studies
Uses maps and globes to locate and compare places and their environment
Knows how regions around the world are constructed according to physical criteria and human criteria
Understands ways selected individuals, ideas and decisions influenced events
Knows aspects of family life in different eras
Explain how a community changes throughout time
Understands selected developments of social institutions such as the influence of the church contributed to modern life
Understands broad categories in time of years 
Locates and describes physical and cultural features of major political regions
Understands factors such as population
Knows ways in which people view and relate to places and regions differently
Knows that a community's culture is expressed in part through its stories
Identifies cultural perspectives in folktales and legends
Understands contributions of immigrants to history of U.S.

Language Arts
Identifies features of literary texts
Identifies author's purpose
Uses organizational patterns for expository writing
Uses a variety of references to gather information
Understands development of plot 
Selects appropriate graphic organizer to present information
Gives and listens to oral presentations for various purposes

Selects appropriate instrument for measurement to achieve precision in real-world situation
Uses charts and graphs to organize data art
Creates works that are personally meaningful

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:
10 or more

Software Materials Used:
Students will need access to the Internet, which will be their main source of research and a printer to print selected worksheets. Any word processor such as Word, ClarisWorks or other can be used writing. Also PowerPoint or HyperStudio is needed to make a slide presentation.

Family, genealogy, heritage, family tree, country, recipe, church, customs, traditions, folktale

This unit was developed for 3rd grade level. It can be adapted for upper intermediate grades. The students must know how to use the Internet, have a basic knowledge of computers and how to use the designated software. Students work mostly individuals, sometimes with partners to compare subjects.

This project is to help the student learn to love his heritage and realize that the differences in our cultures are so similar that they learn to accept themselves as well as others. It will give them a sense of belonging at the same time that they are using technology to create a family heirloom.

Copy the student worksheets for each lesson and bookmark all URL's that are on the worksheets to make the search easier and faster for the student.. Model the use of the different software that the students will be using before beginning the unit. This unit will require a lot of parental involvement, so create a good connection with parents.

About the Teacher: 
Elizabeth is a graduate of Florida International University and has been teaching in Miami-Dade County Public Schools since 1998.. Having fifteen years of experience in the corporate world has made it easy for Elizabeth to incorporate technology into the classroom. Elizabeth is an active participant of Citibank FamilyTech program and has received a couple of grants to implement units.

Social Studies, Language Arts and Math

Grade Levels: 
3 - 5

Email Elizabeth


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