Geometry All Around Us

Lesson Six

Three class periods

Students will identify both geometric and solid shapes found in architecture

Students will complete a HyperStudio presentation by using technology tools to locate and collect information from a variety of sources.

PowerPoint software and Card Stack

Teamwork Rubric for HyperStudio Colony Project

Discuss with students how throughout the unit they have learned that geometric shapes are all around us.  We find shapes in architecture, in man-made objects as well as in nature.  Shapes have specific geometric and mathematical properties.  Show PowerPoint presentation on "Real Life Geometry" found at

Groups of two students will search the internet and locate specific shapes to complete a "Geometry Slide Show" using PowerPoint.  The slide show consists of five slides, students follow directions to include the required information and are encouraged to use their creativity to enhance their multimedia presentation.  Each student's PowerPoint presentation is saved on a disk.

Assess the student's ability to conduct research when using the Big6 approach when locating information from various sources to complete the HyperStudio card stack

Teacher can place all the student's slides into one single presentation for all students to view and enjoy. An optional class time might be necessary for students to complete their work.

Evaluate HyperStudio project by using the Teamwork Rubric and Geometry All Around Us quiz.

Home Learning
Become an Architect by designing a unique building.  The teacher will provide books and photographs of various types of architecture features such as doors, windows, roofs, columns and building materials.

Students can visit Architecture for Kids at