Shape I.D.


Lesson Five

Two class periods

The student will identify properties and characteristics of geometric shapes

The student will record information pertaining to shapes of monuments

 The student will visualize and distinguish among different geometric shapes

Internet            Shape I.D. Recording Worksheet

visualize            reflection            solid figure            edge            corner       

Working in pairs students will visit to view photographs of the monuments located in Washington, D.C. 

The students will receive a "recording worksheet" where they will record all the solid figure shapes they see within a particular monument. 

The students must I.D. the name of each solid figure they find and tell where it is located in the picture and how it is used. ( for example:  I found a triangle in the Supreme Court Building.  It is used as a roof.

Teacher will use guiding questions, such as:

Do you see part of a geometric shape or the whole shape?      How would you describe the shape of the roof?   What shape does the top of the monument have?    What does the shape of the entire building remind you of?    

Completed observation worksheet and class discussion.

Home Learning
Have students I.D. and record shapes found in the construction of their own house.  Students will stand outside their own home and identify all the shapes found on the doors, windows, roofs etc of their own homes.

Pair students in two, create a "barrier" between the students and see if they can construct identical shapes based on their partner's verbal description. 

A guest speaker such as an engineer, architect or designer could be invited to visit the class to talk about construction and design of buildings, bridges and roadways.