Lesson One         
Shapes And More Shapes       

Two class periods

The student will recognize and name geometric shapes

The student will compare, sort, and classify familiar shapes

The Shape of Things book, Internet, shapes cut out of various materials, paper bag, chart paper, construction paper, Math for Children - Geometry Video.

Square            Circle            Triangle            Rectangle

Build background knowledge by explaining that Geometry is part of mathematics that includes points, lines, surfaces, and solids.  The word Geometry derives from the Creek words for earth and measure.  Geometry is divided into two different categories: plane and solid.  The Egyptians used geometric principles to build the ancient pyramids.

Read The Shape of Things by Dayle Ann Dodds. Discuss story by reviewing the shapes that are mentioned in the story.  Teacher designates an area where other books with titles dealing with geometric concepts can be read by students independently.

Prior to the lesson place a square, circle, triangle and rectangle shapes cut out of corrugated cardboard into a large shopping bag.

Arrange students into groups containing equal amount of students in each group. Each group of students will  "feel" the shapes inside a particular bag without seeing it.

After everyone has felt the shapes, ask the students to describe the object in the bag.

The teacher records each group's description on chart paper

In their cooperative groups, students are given geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle).   The shapes should be made using a variety of materials, colors and size.  Vary the patterns among the groups.  Students glue the shapes onto construction paper to make a picture.

At closure the students share their "Geometric Posters" and teacher reviews attributes of geometric shapes discussed in this lesson.

As a conclusion to this lesson show Math For Children - Geometry video by Schlessinger I.D. #8556.  Discuss film and determine by student's answers the knowledge gained.

Evaluation will be based on participation, following directions, discussion, and completion of picture
using a rubric.

Home Learning  
Students write a fictional "Shape Story." A story that includes geometric shapes that were discussed during the lesson.

Students can go on a shape exploration at:  http://www2.minot.k12.nd.us/classrooms/madden/shapes/index.html

An interactive shape drawing site:  