Lesson 6

"Original 13"


·  Four one hour sessions



·  The students will label colonies by regional divisions

·  The students will gain an understanding of how geography, industry, and the development of government affect the growth of a nation.

·  The students will develop a sense of historical empathy.

·  The students will complete a Hyper-Studio presentation by using technology tools to locate and collect information from a variety of sources.



·    Hyper-Studio software and Card Stack

·    Colonies' Map worksheet     Colonies' Map answer key

·    That's My Colony Project Research Worksheet

·    Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz

·    Teamwork Rubric for Hyper-Studio Colony Project



independence            unite            revolution            Southern Colonies            Northern Colonies            triangular trade            staple crops            parliament                enumerated article                    export                              import



·  Visit # 1 -  Pre-Post Activity:  Students will complete the Colonial America Vocabulary Quiz by matching the vocabulary words to a list of a definitions.  This activity will be repeated at the end of the unit and students will compare their Pre-Post answers to determine learning gain.

·  Visit # 2 - Students will be placed in collaborative groups of three to complete a research project that will be presented by each group as a multimedia Hyper-Studio presentation. Each group will complete a That's My Colony Project Worksheet by locating information from print and electronic sources such as: http://timepage.org/spl/13colony.html

·  Visit # 3 - Student groups will be creating a ten-stack Hyper-Studio Project .  Have students research their answers, once they have finished their research, have them organize their stacks, so they are ready to work on the computer to complete the project.

·  Visit # 4 - This visit would allow students to complete their  Hyper-Studio presentation.  An optional visit might be necessary for students to present their work.



·  Through a random selection and participation, orally assess student's comprehension of the vocabulary and regional locations of the thirteen colonies.

·  Assess the student's ability to conduct research when using the Big6 approach when locating information from various sources to complete the Hyper-Studio card stack

·  Evaluate Hyper-Studio project by using the Teamwork Rubric


Home Learning:

·  Complete the Colonial America Map labeling worksheet.

·  Complete an on-line Colonial Scavenger Hunt at   http://webtech.kennesaw.edu/pgore/shunt-colonial.htm



·  Visit Suffolk Web Just for Curious Kids to "link" to wonderful educational and fun site related to Colonial America at http://suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcsscolonial.html