

Objective:  The students will learn about bees.

Materials:  Honeybees by Joyce Milton, Computers with Internet access., Worker Word Find.  

Introduction: Teacher will introduce the story, Honeybees.   Read the story.  Discuss what Bees do.  See Bee Info.  Have students work in cooperative groups to find more in depth information on bees.  Provide them with sites from the Links and Resources page.

Web Activities:   Refer students to Links and Resources page.  Have them work in cooperative groups to find information on bee jobs.  Have some investigate the drones, others the queens, and others the workers.  Students prepare a group report to present to their classmates. 

Assessment:  Group report and presentation.   Also, students can complete Fill in activity online and then transfer to paper for a grade.  See answer key.  

Home Learning: 
 Complete Worker Word Find.

Extension Activity:  Learn about Killer Bees.  Compare and contrast Honeybees and Killer bees using a venn diagram.  
