Name: ____________________  Date: _________

Use play money to count the change you will get.  Write the amount of change.

1.  You pay $5.00 for a ball that costs $3.39.  _____

2.  You pay $3.00 for a whistle that costs $2.71.  _____

3.  You pay $1.00 for a piece of gum that costs $0.49.  _____

4.  You pay $10.00 to rent a video game that costs $7.44.  _____

Use play money.  List the coins and bills you would get as change from a $10 bill.

5. (baseball) $5.35    
6. (basketball) $8.82   
7. (football) $9.09   
8. (soccer ball) $4.56

 _____                _____            _____                   _____

Use play money.  List the coins and bills you would get as change.


Amount Paid

Cost of Item

















Mixed Applications

10.  Marco buys a book that costs $3.29.  He gives the clerk $5.00.  List the change he will get.

11.  Andres buys a bookmark for $0.39.  She gives the clerk $1.00.  What is the fewest number of coins Andrea can receive?

12.  Christian took $10.00 with him to the pet store.  He wanted to get another hamster.  They were selling for $7.23.  How much money did he get in change?