Name: _______________     Date: ____________

Money Test

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.  How do you read $10.30?

a. ten dollars and three cents     
b. ten dollars and thirty cents      
c. thirty dollars and ten cents            
d. thirty dollars and one cent

2.  Liz counted the money on the table.


      How much money did Liz count?

  a. $1.35          b. $1.40          c. $1.60          d. not here

For questions 3-6, count the money.


a. $1.41          b. $2.26          c. $2.36          d. $2.41



    a. $3.78          b. $4.78          c. $4.83         d. $3.87



    a. $6.64          b. $7.54          c. $7.60         d. $7.64



        a. $16.45         b. $16.57        c. $16.72        d. $17.57

For questions 7-10, compare the amounts of money.  Choose the greater amount.

7.    a.


8.    a.  


9.    a.


10.   a.



11.  Natalie has 4 dimes, 5 nickels and 2 pennies.  Victoria has 2 quarters and 3 dimes.  Who has more money?

        a. Natalie         b. Victoria

12.  Christian has 8 quarters and 3 dimes.  Gabriel has 2 $1 bills.  Who has more money?

        a. Christian       b. Gabriel       

13.  $14.79 + $2.03 = _____

        a. $12.76         b. $16.72        c. $16.82        d. $34.82

14.  $35.22 + $21.86 = ____

        a. $13.36         b. $56.08       c. $56.18        d. $57.08

15.  $8.25 - $0.93 = _____

        a. $7.32          b. $8.32         c. $8.72          d. not here

16.  $13.35 - $1.64 = _____

        a. $11.61         b. $11.71         c. $12.71         d. $14.99

17.  Marcus spends $4.25 for a movie ticket, $1.25 for lemonade and $4.75 for lunch.  How much money does he spend in all?

        a. $8.90         b. $10.25        c. $11.00         d. not here

18.  Rebecca pays $3.00 to bowl one game.  She rents bowling shoes for $1.25 and buys a hot dog for $1.50.  How much money does Rebecca spend in all?

        a. $4.75         b. $5.25          c. $5.75         d. not here

19.  Andrew has 30.00.  He spends $18.25 for a soccer ball and 10.00 for shin guards.  How much money does he have left?

        a. $0.75         b. $1.75          c. $11.75        d. not here

20.  Mr. & Mrs. Vazquez spent $12.00 for gas and $23.30 for groceries.  They gave the clerk $40.00.  How much change did they receive?

        a. $4.70         b. $5.30         c.  $16.30       d. not here      

Write the total amount.

21.  2 quarters, 1 dime, 8 pennies = _____

21.  1 quarter, 4 dimes, 2 nickels, 3 pennies = _____

22.  3 $1 bills, 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 7 nickels, 5 pennies = _____

22. 1 $5 bill, 4 $1 bills, 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 pennies = _____

List the bills and coins that you could use to make each amount.

23. $23.63     24. $9.76     25. $10.49     26. $7.44

Make three equivalent sets of each amount.  List how many of each bill and coin used.

27. $1.43     28. $7.18     29. $16.54     30. $27.28     31. $0.84          

List the coins and bills you would get as change.


Amount Paid

Cost of Item












