Lesson Plan 3 - Compare & Contrast


Students will be able to:

Identify vocabulary.

Tell the differences and similarities between two rainforest animals.  (compare & contrast)

Write a descriptive paragraph on a rainforest animal.


Books:  The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and The Magic School Bus: Explores the Rainforest

Venn Diagram


1.  Have students re-read The Great Kapok Tree at their desk silently.

2.  Read The Magic School Bus: Explores the Rainforest to the class and discuss it with the students.

3.  Review vocabulary.

4.  Students will go online to Puzzle Maker to create a word search puzzle using the vocabulary words.

5.  Demonstrate a Venn Diagram (compare & contrast) to the class and students can go on line to Venn Diagram to look at the graphic organizer that will help the students see more clearly the similarities and the differences between the two rainforest animals that they picked.

6.  Students can look online to learn more information on the animals of the rainforest.

7.  Have each student choose an animal that lives in the rainforest.

8.  Each student will write a descriptive paragraph in which they tell where the animal lives, what it eats, how it looks, what sounds it makes, what it does, etc.

9.  Allow the students to share their paragraph and have their classmates try to guess which animal they are describing.

10. Once the students have finished their work, invite them to go on-line to complete a word search.


Students completed Venn Diagram.

Students completed descriptive paragraph on a rainforest animal.

Home Learning:

Students will go online to take a quiz on The Great Kapok Tree and print out the worksheet and complete it.