Sarah, Plain and Tall
Lesson 1  

Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word:

-homely, dusk, wretched, feisty, energetic-

1. If you have to begin your farm chores at dawn, you will probably want to go to sleep right after __________.


2. The children became ______________ after two nights with little sleep.


3. Papa knew that only a (n) ___________________ woman could endure life on the prairie.


4. According to Anna, Caleb was such a (n) ___________ baby that it was difficult to love him.


5. Even on cold, ____________ winter mornings, Papa had to go out to the barn to milk the cows.

Match the letter to the correct meaning.


____1.  homely                                                           a.  vigorous, forceful


____2.  dusk                                                               b.  ill- tempered


____3.  wretched                                                        c.  plain, unattractive


____4.  feisty                                                              d.  twilight, the period of partial

                                                                                       darkness between day and night

____5.  energetic                                                         e.  miserable