Cloze Activity

The following is taken from chapter nine in the story.  Read the entire passage.  Then fill in the blank with a word that makes sense.  Afterwards, you may compare your language with that of the author.

Sarah went to stand between Caleb and Papa by the window.  She looked a long time

without speaking.___________, (1) she touched Papa's shoulder.

"We have squalls_________________(2) Maine, too" she said. "Just like

this.____________________(3) will be all right, Jacob."

Papa said______________(4), But he put his arm around her,____________(5) leaned

 over to rest his chin in ______________(6) hair.  I closed my

eyes, suddenly remembering__________________(7) and Papa standing that way, Mama

 smaller___________(8) Sarah, her hair fair against Papa's shoulder.

____________(9) I opened my eyes again, it was _____________(10) standing there.

  Caleb looked at me and _____________ (11) and smiled until he

could smile no _____________(12).

We slept in the hay all night, ____________(13) when the wind was wild, sleeping again

 ______________(14) it was quiet.  And at dawn there

______________(15) the sudden sound of hail, like stones ______________(16) against

 the barn.  We stared out the ________________, (17)

watching the ice marbles bounce on the _______________. (18)  And when it was over we

 opened _______________(19) barn door and walked out into

the early morning ________________. (20)  The hail crunched and melted beneath our

 ______________. (21)  It was white and gleaming for as

______________(22) as we looked, like sun on glass.  Like the sea.