Land Ho!

Discoveries of the 

Great European Explorers


Background Information

Since the beginning of time, explorers have been driven by adventure and the desire to discover new lands.

Explorers are people who travel to or investigate unknown places. In traveling, they make or follow a route, path, or trail. Prehistoric men and women who ventured out across the continents were among the first explorers.

The golden age of exploration began in the fifteenth century as sailors from Europe ventured out and explored the world, locating routes across its oceans and continents and defining the earth's physical shape, size, and positions.
Today however, explorers are persons who systematically search, examine, and investigate for the purpose of discovering unknowns in all aspects of our universe; making new discoveries and expanding frontiers in science, medicine, technology, and our environment.

The thought of voyaging through the vast expanse of the world and beyond has been mankind's ongoing vision since the very beginning of history itself.

Let's take a look back in time and follow the explorers, their visions, ideas, and journeys.


James Cook




Marco Polo



Samuel de Champlain



Ferdinand Magellan



Henry the Navigator

The Vikings

Other Activities:

Hero Sandwiches

Student Research

Political Brochures

Follow an Explorer

Links and Resources:

Explorers on the Web

Bibliography and Suggested Readings

