
  1. Describe significant contributions of the Aztecs.
  2. Identify the Aztec concept of time.
  3. Explore the historical significance of the Aztec calendar.
  4. Design and create an Aztec Calendar.

Key Words:

Sundial, glyph, solar, lunar, calendar stone

Timeline: 2-3 class periods


Pictures of the Aztec calendar

Paper plates or poster board

Paint/Drawing Software (paint, Kid Pix)

color markers

Sample glyphs


  1. Show the class samples of an Aztec Calendar.  Explain to the class that the Aztec developed a system of telling time just as we do today. 

  2. Explain to the class that the Aztecs used two different calendars: a lunar and a solar calendar.

  3. Inform them that the lunar calendar was based on the phases of the moon and consisted of 260 days.  The Aztecs divided their calendar into thirteen months and twenty  days.

  4. Inform the class that the solar calendar was based on the movement of the Sun.  It was similar to our calendar in that it consisted of 365 days,  but it was divided into eighteen months and twenty days.

  5. Have the students visit the suggested web sites to better understand how the Aztec Calendars worked.

  6. After the students have had time to visit the web sites, discuss with them the major characteristics of the calendars.

  7. On the board or overhead projector, list the characteristics of the Aztec Calendar.

  8. Inform the students that each will create an Aztec Calendars of a specific month of the year.

  9. Assign each student a calendar month (January-December).

  10. Explain to the students that they must include a hieroglyph, the Aztec name, and the English translation for each day. Inform the students that besides the sample glyphs, students will need to design their own glyphs since the Aztec calendar has only 20 days.

  11. Students will either use paper plates or cut a circle from the poster board to make the calendar.

  12. They will start in the middle by drawing a picture of a sun god or sun then continue to draw the symbols and translation of each day around the ring until each day of their month is completed.

  13. Once all students are completed with their calendar, they will present it to the class and explain their calendar.


 Aztec Calendar rubric

Extension Activities:

Make a bulletin board display of the calendars 

Compare and Contrast the Aztec Calendar to the our Roman Calendar

Web Links:

Aztec Calendar : view an Aztec calendar translator

Aztec Hotlist : collect general Aztec information

 Art Camp : more general information on the Aztecs

Aztec Calendar: Aztec calendar word book

 ThemeZone : Aztec calendar calculator

Aztec Travel : More information on Aztec calendar 

A Cal Stone : Clickable Calendar Stone