Spider Knowledge


The students will write a report about what they have learned.
The students will demonstrate their knowledge about spiders.

Time Required

2- 45 minute period


Computer with Internet connections
Paper, pencils, crayons
Spider Quiz
Spider Self Evaluation Sheet
Observation Log
Spider Flash Cards


1. The teacher will review what the students have learned about spiders. 
2. The teacher will have the students complete the Spider Quiz. Or the teacher can give the 
    students a self evaluation form to complete. 
3. Another activity for the students to complete is the final section of the K-W-L chart. The 
    students are to write about what they learned from the spider unit.
4. Students will then participate in a Spider Round Robin, students will sit in a circle and going 
    around the circle, each student will state one spider fact. Challenge the students to keep the 
    game going as long as possible.
5. In advance, the teacher should prepare Spider Flash Cards sets, the front of the card should 
    have a picture of a particular spider, the back of the card should have the name and any 
    specific details, such as where it lives, what it eats, its length, its weight...
6. Break students into teams and have them play a spider recognition and fact game with the 
    Spider Flash Cards


The Spider Quiz will be used to assess students' knowledge of spiders.

Home Learning

The students will make their final entry into their Observation Log. Then students will write a story about their spider.

Extension Activity

The students will read their spider stories to each other, edit the stories, add illustrations, and publish them using desktop publishing. Spider stories can be posted at Kid Authors.

