$hare  $pend  $ave :
Learning To Budget Your Money


Students will learn what is a budget and learn how to manage money.

Students will learn what is a need and a want.


4 Class Periods


Bookmark all websites students need to visit.   

Print any handouts needed

If students decide to get the moon jar boxes, their is a special for teachers. If you purchase a certain amount they cost two dollars each.


A Chair For My Mother
by Vera Williams








1.  The teacher will read to the class the story A Chair For My Mother by Vera Williams

2.  The students will write a story map on the story.

3.  Discuss what the characters had to do to reach their dream.

4.  Students will visualize a dream they would like to accomplish that requires money.

5.  Explain to the students that in order to reach your dream you need to make a plan. 

6.  Discuss what is a budget.

     a.   How will you make money?

      b.  How will you spend the money you make?

      c.  How much money will you save?

7.  The students will visit different websites to learn more about what is a budget.

8.   Students will visit the following websites to learn more about budgets.

 money management       moon jar     making allowances  

9.  After reading about budgets the student will choose which of the budget ideas they would like to follow.

A.  The mmforkids mini-budget consists of four pages for the student to plan how to spend their money. 

Page 1 is for giving.  

Page 2 is saving for a short term goal of something they want in 3-6 weeks.

Page 3 is saving for a long term goal of something that requires more money.
Page 4 is money they can spend. 

B.  At moonjar   the student can print a booklet called a "Free Passport" to keep a record of how they spend their money.  They will create three boxes to help them spend, save and share.  Each box is decorated to represent what your goal is.

10.  The student will write a paragraph explaining what is a budget and will tell which budget they chose to follow and why.



The student will share with their parents their budget and discuss with their parents what they do to save money.  The student will write a summary to explain the similarities and differences between their mini-budget and their family budget.


Story map on Book


Paragraph explaining a budget. 





Budget Choice


The students will use the budget that they chose to keep track of their money.  This will be an ongoing project.

Periodically the teacher will ask the students to share how their budget is working and may write a summary about it. 


A Chair For My Mother by Vera Williams


