Lesson #5

Features of Shells


Students will identify features that are unique to certain shells.
Students will describe shell features and explain how the features relate to the way shells look and move.
Students will use information about shell features to create a new kind of shell that has specific capabilities.

Time Required:

3-one hour sessions

Computer With Internet Access
Pictures of various shells or class set of shells
Kid Pix or similar multimedia software


1. Hold up pictures of shells or actual shells and discuss the special features of individual shells.  For example, some shells have long, narrow bodies; some shells resemble stars; some shells have plates; some shells have chambers.
2. Talk about how shell's animal uses certain features.  For example, What might the plates do?  Why does a Nautilus need chambers?

3. Explain to students that they will be visiting several web sites to research shells and to get information to create new kinds of shells.

Sites to Explore:

                  Seashell. org

                  Conchologists of America

                  Sea shells and Shelling Sanibel and Captiva Islands Florida


4. Tell students that, as they do their research, they need to think about what their new shells will look like.  Prompt students to consider the following:
           the size of the shell
           how the shell's animal will defend itself
           how the shell's animal will move
           what the shell's animal will eat
5. Once students complete their research and choose the features they want their shells to have, students will draw pictures of their new shells using KidPix.  Then they will write a paragraph about the shell they created making sure to include the name of their shell, the size, how the mollusk defends itself, how it moves, and what it eats.
6. Students share the pictures of their new shells with each other.  Have them describe their shells' features and tell why they chose the features.


The students will be evaluated on the final outcome of their individual KidPix slide. Teachers can visit Rubistar for Teachers Templates  to obtain an example of a rubric to use to evaluate a multimedia project.

Extension Activities:

Create a class book titled "Scientists' Discover New Shells."
Create a slide show presentation using the students' individual KidPix Slide. Instructions for creating a KidPix slide show can be found at: KidPix Slide Show. Show slide show to class.

Home Learning:

Using desktop publishing have students write a story about what the Scientists will do with the new shell discoveries. This can be based on either fact or fantasy and should include pictures of the shells they created.