Lesson #4

Shells: An Investigation


Students will observe shells using the five senses.


Beach sand
Large open container such as a dish pan
Shell collection
Screen sifter approximately 6" square
Hand lens
Shell Data Capture Sheet


1. Place numerous kinds of seashells in beach sand in a deep dish pan or other large, open container.
2. Call upon individual students to sift through the sand and allow them to remove one or two objects found.
3. Continue until all class members have discovered and removed objects from the sand.

4. Encourage students to discuss their found objects in terms of the following:


5. Students will complete a Shells Data Capture Sheet with a partner.


Teacher will evaluate the Shell Data Capture Sheets completed by students.


Students can design a game called "Which Shell am I?" They can draw or affix pictures of each shell on an index card. On the back, they write the name of the shell and a brief description. They can take turns describing a shell and allow the other student to guess which shell they are describing.

Home Learning:

Students take home a bag of shells that are new to them and complete another shells Data Capture Sheet with their family members.