Jewels of The Sea

How It Works:
This unit incorporates science, reading, writing, and technology into a lively exploration of shells. Jewels of the Sea involves hands-on activities that incorporate the five senses as students examine shells. Writing is infused into this unit as students create posters and write stories. Technology is integrated into the curriculum through Internet investigation, publishing of stories and poems on-line, visiting shell web sites to gather and organize shell data, and the use of "ask an expert" web sites. Students use science skills to identify and classify various shells. Students set up a classroom display of shells and create a Kid Pix slide show to showcase their learning.

The student uses the reading process effectively. 
The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts. 
The student reads and organizes information for a variety of purposes, including making a report, conducting interviews, and performing an authentic task. 

The student uses the writing process effectively. 
The student writes to communicate ideas and information.

The student understands the competitive, interdependent, cyclic nature of living things in the environment. 
The student uses the scientific processes and habits of mind to solve problems. 

National Educational Technology Standards for Primary Students:

Students are proficient in the use of technology. 
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. 
Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. 
Students use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, and remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, and printer) to successfully operate computers and other technologies. 
Students create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers. 
Students use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:  10 or more.

Software Materials Used:
The project is designed for a classroom setting with one or more computers. Internet connection, printers, shell books from the classroom library, and resources from the community are necessary for successful completion of this project. KidPix is used to create a slide show of information collected throughout this unit. Maps and globes, an overhead projector and visits to the school media center are also recommended.

Conchology, mollusk, univalve, bivalve, chitons, tooth shells, cockle, scotch bonnet, clam, snail, cone shell, conch, quahog, oyster, abalone, tiger eye, auger

Thirty-Two first and second grade gifted students participate in daily science, language arts, and technology sessions for nine weeks. This project can be adapted for other grades and academic levels and can be modified for both large and small groups.

The project improves reading, writing, and science skills as well as word processing and research abilities using classroom resources and the Internet. As students participate in science, language arts, and technology activities, their enthusiasm and overall attitude towards learning is increased.

Have all materials ready for students to use before lesson begins. Have a supply of shells available for students to investigate. Book mark web sites in advance.

About the Teacher: 
Carol Langford , a professional educator for over 20 years, at all levels from elementary through graduate school, has received numerous awards for her teaching abilities. 

She has served as a peer mentor, lead teacher, and school leader for most of her teaching career.

Her accomplishments include developing and writing curriculum, publishing primary science units over the Internet, authoring and co-authoring numerous grants to provide up-to-date technology for her school. She has also created gardens, ponds, and murals for student science inquiry at her school.

Subjects:  Science

Grade Levels: 
1 through 3

Email Carol


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