Johnny Appleseed

Lesson Plan #4

One-hour session


Students will identify five varieties of apples.


Children's Book: Moore, Eva. Johnny Appleseed. New York: Scholastic Inc, 1970 (a similar children's book about Johnny Appleseed may be substituted)
Apple Variety Worksheet
Computer with Internet


Granny Smith, Cortland, Delicious, Golden Delicious, Empire, Rome Beauty


1.  Read Johnny Appleseed by Eva Moore to introduce the unit.
2.  Research on the Internet to find out what the varieties of apples are. Visit Le Crunch.
3. Complete Apple Variety Worksheet. Students will visit Foodland  to 
     learn the top varieties of apple. Students will use a writing program to create an Apple Table of 
    the top apple varieties, nutritional value, preparation, storage and picture.
4. An extension activity would be to have students fold the paper into four equal parts and draw 
     pictures to illustrate and label
an apple tree in spring, summer, fall, and winter.  Then students 
     would write a paragraph telling about their pictures.
5. Drawings should show flowers and green leaves in the spring, fruit in the summer, and yellow and 
     brown leaves in the fall,
and bare branches in the winter.
6. Students will take an online quiz about apples at Quia.


Teachers will evaluate students' answers to questions on the Apple Table; the table must contain: type of apple, how to store, how to prepare, nutritional value and picture.

Home Learning:

Students will take their parents to the grocery store and research the types of apples sold.  Then they will bring to class the names of the apples that they have found in their stores and make a class graph.

Extension Activity:

Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees all across the frontier. Students can participate in Arbor Day activities and plant trees on the school grounds or at local parks. Nurseries will usually donate trees to students. Students can visit the Arbor Day website: 

Click on How to Celebrate Arbor Day and tell the best ways to celebrate Arbor Day
(plant a tree, donate to a park, make a tree poster, write a tree song, have a picnic in a park...)

Click on Arbor Day History and answer:

Where did Arbor Day originate? (Nebraska)
Who started the idea of Arbor Day? (J. Sterling Morton)
What year was the Arbor Day Proclamation made to the children of America (1907)
By which president? (President Theodore Roosevelt)
What does Arbor Day mean? (tree day)