Rooster’s Off To See the World-Number Sense

Grade Levels: First and Second Grade

Grouping: Whole Class

Time: 30 to 45 minutes

National Education Technology Standard: Using technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories.


In this activity the students will understand the different ways numbers are represented and used in the real world.


A computer with internet capacity, Rooster’s Off To See the World by Eric Carle, (Refer to each activity for needed materials.)


Activity #1- The teacher will introduce the story of, Rooster’s Off To See the World by Eric Carle to the students. Have the children to orally participating in the story.  

Then using, Kid Works 2 Deluxe the students will do a creative writing titled,
“If I could go off to see the world, I’d go to...”.  Encourage them to include graphics to enhance their stories.

Activity #2-


Counting On

1. 9 + 2=
2. 6 + 3=
3. 3 + 2=
4. 4 + 8=
5. 5 + 3=
6. 1 + 7=
7. 5 + 5=
8. 9 + 1=
9. 1 + 7=

10. Problem Solving

Ken had 7 cats.  She got 4 more. How many does he have in all?



Activity #3-

Name:________ Date:________

Counting Back

Count back to subtract.

1. 11 – 3=
2. 10 – 2=
3. 7 – 1=
4. 11 – 2=
5. 12- 3=
6. 4 – 3=
7. 6 – 4=
8. 8 – 2=
9. 5 – 3=

10. Problem Solving

Nine butterflies where in the tree. Three of the butterflies flew away.

How many were left?

________ butterflies

Technology Connections

Number Concepts 1

Millie’s Math House

Mighty Math Carnival Heroes

Sticky Bear Math

MathPad/MathPad Plus

Home Learning:

Make a counting book. Cut out pictures from old newspapers or magazines. Paste the pictures in the pages of your book. At the top of the page, write the number of items on the page and the word for the item (for example, 1 flower, 2 butterflies). Write a story to go with the pictures in your counting book.


The evaluation in this lesson activity will be teacher observation and student participation. However, if you would like a worksheet to grade, please use a correlating activity page in your students math work books.


Graphing Seeds

1. Divide your students up into groups of four.

2. Give each group an apple, an orange and a piece of watermelon on a paper plate.

3. Have the students to pull out the seeds of their fruits and count them. When they are done have them to graph their findings.