Pancakes, Pancakes!-Measuring



Grade Levels: First and Second Grade

Grouping:  Whole Class

Time: 30 to 45 minutes

National Education Technology Standard: Using technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories.

In this activity the students will estimate measurements in real world problem situations.

The book, Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle,  a computer on-line with a printer, MathPad/MathPad Plus,
Kid Works 2 Deluxe
, Mathline Classroom pack  and Money Town (Refer to each activity for the needed materials.)



Activity #1-  Read the story, Pancakes, Pancakes!   by Eric Carle to the students.  Then divide the students into groups of five.  Give each group three containers that equal out to be: a pint, a quart, and a gallon. Have the students to think about how many cups of water does each object holds.  Then allow them to estimate and measure. The results should be written in on their group’s project sheets.


Group #1


Names:                  Date:





1. pint



about cups

about cups

2. quart



about cups

about cups

3. gallon




about cups

about cups

Activity #3

Name:________ Date:_________


Counting Money

How much is the money worth?









Activity #2-Place students in cooperative groups of four and give each group directions for making pancakes.  Go over the ingredients, utensils and steps for making pancakes.  Ask parent volunteers to assist students in each group. 

Have the groups gather and mix their ingredients together.  When the students have completed their steps, have your parent volunteers to cook the batter for them. Please make sure that your skillet is in a safe place away for the traffic area of students.

Making Pancakes



Steps for Making Pancakes

Serves 4

Flour, 2 cups
Sugar, 2 tablespoons
Baking powder, 2 teaspoons
Salt to taste
Mixing bowl

Butter, 4 tablespoons (2 ounces), melted
Eggs, 2
Milk, 2 cups
Another mixing bowl

To mix batter

Melt the butter and set aside.

Place flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix well with a wire whisk.

In the second bowl, beat the egg with the whisk 20 to 30 seconds. Gradually add melted butter, whisking all the while. Stir in milk, all at once if you wish.

Pour milk mixture onto the dry ingredients. Mix them together with a spatula as gently as possible. Avoid kneading the dough, which will toughen it.

Thin with water as necessary. Batter should not be stiff. 


Home Learning:

Have the students to make a cinquin poem about pancakes. See the example below.



 Two Nouns=_______ ________

Three action words=__________ __________ ___________

Two Nouns=___________  ____________




Teacher make test.

Name:_________________________ Date:____________________


Pancake Parts


Complete each fraction sentence.

 1. This pancake has 4 equal parts.

Each part is _________ fourth.

One fourth is also written as _______.


Draw a picture for this word problem.






2. This pancake has 3 equal parts.

Each part is _____third.

One third is also written as _______.


Draw a picture for this word problem.







3 This pancake has 4 equal parts.

Color one part of this pancake blue.

_____fourth of this pancake is blue.

Write a fraction to show how much is blue.



Draw a picture for this word problem.







4.This pancake has 2 equal parts.

Color one part of this pancake red.

_____ half of this pancake is red.

Write a fraction to show how much is red.


Draw a picture for this word problem.









Allow the students to compare and contrast the different stories about runaway pancakes.


Story #1-Different

Stories #1 and 2-The Same

Story #2-Different