Primary Math With Eric Carle Books

How It Works:
The primary goal of this thematic unit was to teach young children how to math is used daily in real world situations. All activities were centered around Howard Gardner's Eight Multiple Intelligences. Unit outline:

Story book: Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle

Objective: Estimates, measures, and compares dimensions of an object

The students made pancakes.


Story book: Today Is Monday by Eric Carle

Objective: Estimates and measures the passages of time using before or after; yesterday, today or tomorrow; day or night; morning, afternoon, or evening; hour or half-hour

The students took turns forecasting the weather for the month. They also made dinosaur drinks.


Story book: The Very Busy Spider

Objective: Identifies, describes, and compares patterns using a wide variety of materials and attributes (for example, size, shape, color).

The students created Mosaic Murals.

National Educational Technology Standards for Primary Grades PreK-2

Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities

Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to support learning

Use input devices and output devices to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, telephones, and other technologies

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:

Software Materials Used:
Computers with Internet connection, Mathematics-based interactive CD ROM's, E-mail and Web Design software

Eric Carle, math lesson plans, primary thematic units, math thematic units, technology-based thematic units

The students who were involved in this project were in the first grade. The ability levels of this group ranged from high to low. Nevertheless, paired off into cooperative groups, the students were successful and completed their tasks.

In this unit the students were engaged in math applications that are used in real world situations. Each lesson involved linguistic skills, visual-spatial skills, interpersonal skills, and logical mathematical skills. The unit was written based on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences outline.

There are many activities listed in each lesson. Pick and choose only the ones that you want to use.

About the Teacher:  
Carol Ann Delancy has been an educator for the past seventeen years and really enjoys her job. Among her many pleasures of being a teacher is that of working with early childhood students and making up thematic units for her favorite primary story books. She is an ardent book reader who hopes to one day write children stories of her own.


Grade Levels:
1 & 2

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