

Objective:  Students will identify a square, circle, triangle, and rectangle (2-dimensional figures).

Materials:  Shapetown story, examples of plane shapes, shapes for town (see "links and resources" page for printable sheets), butcher paper, construction paper, glue, scissors, flannel board/white board and shapes, and computer with Internet connection.  

Story Overview:  Shapetown occupants can't seem to get along.  Then one day, quite by accident, they discover they can all make wonderful things together.  

Introduction:  The teacher will begin by reading Shapetown, a story which explains how different shapes put together will make objects.  Through this story, students will relate shapes to real world objects.  As the story is read, the shapes will be demonstrated on board for students to see.  The teacher will review shapes and ask students to give examples of real world objects that show shapes discussed. Next, students will be given a sheet with a variety of shapes in different sizes ( You can find printable sheets at these sites:  basic shapes, printable shapes). In cooperative groups, they will be assigned different parts of a community such as a farm, a city, a park, etc.  Each group will design their assigned part using only the geometric shapes given to them. 

Web Activities:  Students will visit Attribute Blocks Activity web site.  They will do tasks that require them to classify and sort different shapes.  

Assessment:  A cooperative group grade will be given based on the work done on the community parts.  

Home Learning:  Students will find ten objects in their homes that show the shapes discussed in class. 
