The Greedy Triangle


Objective:  Students will learn to identify different polygons.

Materials: The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns and computer with Internet connection.  

Book Overview:  A triangle is bored with it's life of only three sides.  The local shapeshifter changes the triangle into polygon after polygon but the triangle discovers it was happier with its three sides.   

Introduction:  The teacher will begin by reading The Greedy Triangle.  She will lead students into a discussion of many sided figures and  explain and introduce the term polygon.  

Web Activities:  Students will visit Geometry web site.  They will go to Polygon section and choose "Other Polygons".  Here, they will read about polygons then take the quiz.  This quiz will be printed out and used for assessment.  

Additional Links:  
Polygon Web Game  - this web game asks students to determine the number of sides 
Polygon Thinkquest - this site was created by students and takes about what a polygon is.  
Polygon Web Game 2 - this site asks students to identify the polygon when given the number of sides  

Students can take the Geometry Tutorial and take the quiz at the bottom of the homepage: Elementary Geometry.   

Home Learning:
Students will draw and identify 5 polygons.  
