Money! Money! Money!

How It Works:  Money! Money! Money! is a unit that introduces children to the mathematical concept of money through the use of literature. Students use technology to visit websites where they can play interactive games, gather information to complete activity sheets, and complete online projects. One lesson using the book Pigs Will Be Pigs by Amy Axelrod involves students in a fictitious scenario where they can visit a website with online menus. Once they choose a restaurant, they must calculate the total cost for their meal


Uses a variety of strategies to estimate length, width, time intervals, and money and compare them to actual measurements.

Understands and applies the concepts of counting (by 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 25s, 50s), grouping, and place value with whole numbers between 0 and 100.. 

Uses number patterns and the relationships among counting, grouping, and place value strategies to demonstrate an understanding of the whole number system.

Adds and subtracts whole numbers to solve real-world problems, using appropriate methods of computing, such as objects, mental mathematics, paper and pencil, and calculator.

Provides and justifies estimates for real-world quantities.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete: 6

Software Materials Used:  Computer with Internet connection and Microsoft Word.

Keywords:  math, literature, money, language arts, reading, math through literature, whole numbers, fractions, counting, place value,  operations, addition and subtraction

Students:  This unit is designed for second grade students, however, it can be easily adapted for higher grade levels.  ESOL (English as a Second Language)  students may need additional help with vocabulary. The teacher may need to modify some of the lessons in order to meet the needs of the students being taught. 

Overall:  This unit integrates Math and Language arts with multimedia technology. Through its use of literature to introduce mathematical concepts, it presents otherwise unmotivated students with a new perspective on math class.

Tips:  It would be helpful if students are trained in Internet Navigational Skills and the use of Microsoft Word. Teacher should check the URLs provided to make sure they are still active. 

About the Teacher: Carmen Concepcion is the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test) Enhancement Leader at Southside Elementary Bilingual School. She is in her fifth year of teaching. She has a Masters in Computer Education and is currently working on her Educational Leadership Specialist.

Subjects:  Math 

Grade Levels:  2 through 4


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