Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Names _________________________________________ Date _______________

Go to Zoom Dinosaurs  and find the answers to these questions.

1.    What did Iguanodons diet consist of?


2.    What does Stegosaurus mean?


3.    How long were the Tyrannosaurus Rex's arms?  How many fingers were on his hands?


4.    When did the Bactrosaurus  live?

Go to A-Z Dinosaur Information and find the answers to these questions.

5.    What was the size of the Giganotosaurus' brain?


6.    Describe the Allosaurus.


7.    What do you call the large bony plates on the Triceratops back?


8.    How was the climate during the Jurassic Period?


9.    Name two dinosaurs who lived during the Triassic Period.


Go to The World of Dinosaurs and find the answers to these questions.

10.    What was the habitat of the the velociraptor?


11.    Where did the Eoraptor live?


12.    About how much did Dimetrodon weigh?