Answers for Scavenger Hunt


1.    He was a herbivore.  He probably ate cycads, conifers, and ginkgo.

2.    "Roof Lizard"

3.    His arms were only about 3 feet and it had 2-fingered hands.

4.    In the late Cretaceous Period about 97-85 million years ago.

5.    The size of a banana.

6.    two legs and a massive tail

        two short arms and three fingered hands with sharp claws

        a bulky body and strong s-shaped neck

7.    frill

8.    The climate was hot and moist.

9.    Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Platesaurus

10.    He lived in a hot, dry environment with some streams.

11.    Patagonia, Argentina

12.    About 550 pounds