Multimedia Presentation 5 Point Rubric

  5 4 3 2 1 0
Overall Presentation The project flows well, keeps the attention of the audience, and is very interesting. Project flows well and is interesting. Majority of project flows well and has some interesting items included. Majority of project is disjointed and interest level is sporadic. Project does not flow at all, is poorly presented, and has no interest whatsoever. No response.
Text Information The information used is accurate, well written, complete with proper grammar and punctuation. Majority of the text is accurate, uses proper grammar and punctuation, and mostly flows well. Uses an acceptable amount of text.  Information is accurate.  Acceptable grammar and punctuation. Text information is short and inaccurate.  Grammar and punctuation are mostly incorrect. Information is missing, and grammar and punctuation is misused. No response.
Graphics and Images Images are used to enhance the information and support text.  Placement of images is pleasing to the eye.  Images are used to enhance the information and support text.  Placement of images is appropriate. Images enhance the information somewhat.  Placement of images is acceptable. Images used have relevance to information.  Not enough images used. No graphics or scanned images used. No response.