Letter Writing Rubric

Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished
Research No evidence of research Little attempt to use available resources Uses a number of resources and uses them adequately Research shows a correct use of extensive   resources.
Structure Letter lacks paragraphs and correct letter form Developing understanding of paragraphing but lacks consistency. Letter form is correct - paragraphing still needs work. Letter has correct form and number of paragraphs.
Spelling Makes many errors and never consults a dictionary Makes few errors. Sometimes consults a dictionary Makes errors, however corrects them independently Spells correctly and always uses other resources to check.
Punctuation Forgets to use basic punctuation. Make some errors with capital letters and full stops. Rarely makes errors. Punctuates correctly all the time
Audience No awareness of audience Is aware of target audience but doesn't address them. Understands target audience however drifts away at times Information is clearly appropriate for audience.