Lesson Plan #2 

Salty Sea Water


Duration:   2 days

Objectives:     The student will conduct an experiment to find out if there is salt in the 

After using the science process skills in hands-on group investigations, the student will record data and measurements and report collaboratively the results from an observational and comparative scientific investigation.

Materials: aluminum pie plate, 1 cup ocean water (You can make your own by mixing 2 tsp. of salt with 2 cups of water), student report sheet.

Key Vocabulary: sodium, chlorine, crystals, chemicals


1.  Pour the cup of salt water into the aluminum pie plate.

2.  Place your plate in a warm, dry place.

3.  Allow several days for the water to dry up.

4.  Examine what you find after all the water has evaporated.  

    How does the residue feel?  

    What does it look like?  

    How does it smell and taste?

5.  Complete the student report sheet.  

Assessment: The student report sheets and students ocean journey entries will be used for evaluation.

Home Learning: 

Have students conduct their own experiment by following the steps on San Diego Natural History Museum's Web page : Grow Your Own Crystals.  Students will record their findings on their ocean journal and show their examples to the class as the crystals begin to grow.


Allow students to look at the salt crystals through a magnifying glass.  Have students draw pictures of the salt crystals.

Students can also examine other crystals such as sugar, quartz, etc. through the magnifying glass.  Have students compare and  contrast the different crystals with salt crystals.