Desert Plants

Background Information

Their are many plants that can survive and thrive in the desert.  Trees, shrubs, grasses, weeds, and even flowers can live in the desert.  These plants are quite different from those that grow in areas with more moisture.  They must be able to live with little or no water for long periods of time and be able to tolerate extreme temperatures.

Plants in the desert compete for water by spacing themselves far apart.  This is why they are able to spread their roots out in search of water.  Some desert plants dig deep into the Earth for water.  Plants such as the cactus store large amounts of water in their leaves, roots, and stems.

Some plants even shed their leaves during the droughts to reduce water loss.

Lesson Plan #5 Activity #5

Learning Log

Sites to Explore:


The Desert is Theirs 
by Byrd Byron

Extended Activities

A Virtual Museum

Byrd Byron

Desert Plants Worksheet

Additional Resources

Links and Books

