Timeline Rubric

Name _____________________________________________ Date ___________________

Score ______________________


  4 3 2 1
Content Facts were accurate for all events in timeline Facts were accurate of almost all events in timeline Facts were accurate for 75% of the events in the timeline Facts were often inaccurate for events in the timeline
Readability The overall appearance of the timeline was pleasing and easy to read The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and somewhat easy to read The timeline is relatively readable The timeline is difficult to read
Preparation Students had notes for  all of the events and dates in timeline The student had notes for almost all of the events and dates in timeline The students had notes for 75% of the events and dates in timeline There were no notes for events and dates in timeline
Resources The timeline contained at least 8-10 events  The timeline at least 6-7 events The timeline contained at least 5 events The timeline contained fewer than 5 events