Hot Links

TV and Radio News Careers- learn about careers available in mass media
Media Careers- more information on careers in media
Monsterboard- a huge site that details every kind of career available 
American Jobs
- use as a resource for careers
The Emergence of Advertising in Television- how did advertising get started in TV? Find out at this site
Television Advertising Faqs- learn all about advertising in television
National Broadcasting Company- a virtual fieldtrip to NBC
Central Broadcasting System
- a virtual fieldtrip to CBS
TV Show-Television Worldwide
- see all your favorite shows from around the world
TV History- the First Seventy-five Years
- this site chronicles the first seventy-five years of TV
History of Television- more information on the development of TV 
The History of TV- Inventors- a rich site full of information about the men who invented television and mass communication - an excellent online encyclopedia
Media History Connections Site - great resources on television
Make Your Own Venn Diagram- students can create their own Venn diagrams
Children and TV Violence - learn how violence on television affects children
Violence on TV- more information on violence and its affect on the home and families
Two New Studies on TV Violence - current studies on the correlation of violence on television and violence in the community
CBC for Kids- a site where students can post stories and vote on various media topics
Guide to Writing a Resume- this site demonstrates the correct way to write a resume