Teaching Technology Using Television

How It Works:  Teaching Technology using Television is a cutting edge technology infused unit that uses television to develop reading, writing, and technology skills. While students visit stimulating interactive web sites to learn the history of television, they create a timeline of the development of television with appropriate graphics. Students develop critical thinking skills as they analyze television shows to determine the amount of violence and profane language and how this violence and language affects children and their television viewing habits. Kids have a great time collecting online recipes and preparing these dishes in class. Students also compare and contrast TV commercials to determine their target audiences and what exactly they are trying to sell to consumers. Finally, after they have complete home television viewing surveys, students design their own television station and determine the type of programs they will put in their line up.

The unit also offers excellent book resources about media and television and hot links to web sites that will encourage students to continue their studies of media and their effect on the average person.


The student reads and organizes information for a variety of purposes, including making a report, conducting interviews, and performing an authentic task.
The student recognizes and responds to nonverbal cues used in a variety of nonprint media, such as television.
The student uses technology tools to process data and report results.
The student understands broad categories of time in years, decades and centuries.
The student knows significant people and their contributions in the field of communication and technology (e.g. television) and the impact of these devices on society.
The student uses technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:  10 or more

Software Materials Used: computers with Internet access, desktop publishing software, book marked media web sites


television, TV, drama, comedy, history of television, media, career, violence, commercials, advertising, inventors, media, situation comedy, actor, actress, producer, writer, cameraman, set design

Students:  This unit is suitable for most ages of students. Due to the universal appeal of music this unit could be adapted to be used in most classrooms. Students need to have an understanding of how to navigate around on the Internet as well as have a basic understanding of word processing.

Overall:  The unit was designed for average third through fifth grade students, but it can be adapted for both higher and lower grade levels. Since every grade and academic level of student watches television daily and is affected by its content, the majority of students will enjoy this unit and enhance their technology skills with the activities. Middle and senior high students would also benefit from the investigation into commercials and their often hidden messages in their goal to sell products as well as the research of the effect of violence and profane language on children and families.

Tips: Teachers should view all web sites before students access them. If the material is not geared for their particular reading level, teachers can simply link to specific pages or use web site for background information. This unit is a great spin off for a study of other media such as radio, newspapers, magazines and music videos.

About the Teacher: Kim Norkin has been teaching in the Miami-Dade County Public School system for thirteen years and currently teaches at Bel-Aire Elementary School in Miami, Florida. She presently teaches third grade. However, she has taught second grade as well as fourth grade. She just completed her Masters Degree in Reading and is the School Site Coordinator for the Citibank Family Tech Program.

Mario Rivera currently teaches 5th grade at Bel-Aire Elementary School. Mr. Rivera had been involved in the Citibank FamilyTech project for four years and is the Citibank FamilyTech Parent Trainer.

Subjects:  Language Arts

Grade Levels:  3 through 10

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