Patriotic Music: America's Grassroots Music


Our country has been the champion for freedom and human rights since it began. “We hold certain truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The words of our founding fathers still ring loud and true today; in this lesson, students investigate patriotic songs of their country and write a new verse to a patriotic song.

The students listen to, analyze, and describe music.
The students sing, alone or in groups.
The students uses technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
The students use listening strategies effectively.

1. Brainstorm with students the names of patriotic songs they know of: America, God Bless America, Born in the USA, The Star Spangled Banner, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Yankee Doodle, Proud to Be an American, Semper Fi, Caissons Go Rolling Along, Off We Go into The Wild Blue Yonder, America the Beautiful...
2. Discuss what makes a song patriotic:

3. Learn about patriotic songs at: Patriotic Music Online and Patriotic Odes
4. Students will read the lyrics of various patriotic songs, chose one, then add a new verse, see Country Gold USA
5. Using the paint/draw application of word processing, students will design patriotic flags as illustrations for songs
6. Students will print out the songs and flags and compile into a Patriotic Big Book; print extra copy of book for school library
7. Students will site the URL's and other resources used to compile Big Book
8. Students will give an oral report of their entry to Big Book
9. Students will sing song with new verse to class


Recordings of American patriotic songs, recordings of patriotic songs of other lands


Students will be evaluated on their Patriotic Song Big Book entry using a Book Checklist.

Extension Activity: Patriotic Songs Across the World


Have students create a list of family favorite patriotic songs; if students are from another country, they will name and explain the words of the patriotic songs of their native land. Share song lists with class.