Honey ! I Blew Up The Bee!

How It Works:  Each year, bees pollinate 95 crops worth an estimated $10 billion in the U.S. alone. Insect pollinators contribute to one-third of the world's diet. With these kinds of numbers they are worth studying in-depth. Through this project, students learn to classify the honeybee, understand the importance of bees in pollination, why pollination is important for the food we eat, and all about beekeeping. Activities will include creating scrumptious honey desserts, participation in an electronic cyberbee hunt  to improve students' research techniques on the web, games, puzzles, viewing movies, and working online. Students print and copy from websites to create a portfolio on bees and  take digital pictures of their projects to add to their portfolio. They  also make a group presentation on the bee using multimedia. 



  1. The student uses technology tools to collect and organize data.  

  2. The student uses technology to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity.

  3. The student understands the physical characteristics of a bee and its classification. 

  4. The student understands that living things reproduce. 

  5. The student understands that animals live in a particular habitat. 


  1. The student understands that cooperation and effort are needed in the world of work. 


  1. The student constructs meaning from a variety of texts. 

  2. The student reads instructions, stories, information texts, captions, responses. 

  3. The student writes on given topics both narrative and expository. 

  4. The student participates in all steps of the writing process individually and with a group. 

  5. The student uses technology in the production of writing. 


  1. The student identifies proper unit of measure for a given situation. 

  2. The student describes, draws, identifies, and analyzes three dimensional shapes. 

  3. The student describes, analyzes and generalizes patterns, relations and functions. 

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:  10 or more

Software Materials Used: 

Students will need access to the Internet, which will be their main source of research and a printer to print selected worksheets. ClarisWorks or The Learning Company can be used to write about the project and make graphs and charts to show their observations and findings. A digital camera is needed to take pictures of their projects and a scanner to scan pictures. KidPix is needed to make a slide presentation.  

Keywords: Apiculture, bee, wax, pollination, beekeeping, honey, queen, drone, worker, hive, comb, abdomen, head, thorax, head, stinger, pollen, insect

Students:  This unit was developed for a 2nd grade level. It can be adapted for all elementary levels. The students must know how to use the Internet, have a basic knowledge of computers and how to use the designated software. Students work in groups and with partners to help each other in the acquisition of knowledge through the World Wide Web and various software.

Overall:  Honey, I Blew Up The Bee is an excellent way for students to learn about how amazing bees are and how useful and healthy their products can be, without getting stung.  The final product of the bee portfolio will give them pride in their originality. As they learn new technology skills such as desktop publishing, editing and graphic design  and search the Internet for bee facts to collect and analyze, they are increasing problem-solving and higher order thinking skills.

Tips:  You will need to prepare a center with books, magazines, and other resources where students can go to research. Bookmark all URL's that you want the kids to go into to save time. Many books and videos need to be ordered. You must order them before you begin this project. If possible have a TV and video player in an area of the room where a group can watch as one of the classroom centers. Have all materials for centers ready and give an explanation on how to use each center so that it runs smoothly.

About the Teacher: Elizabeth Linero is a newcomer to the teaching profession. She is a graduate of Florida International University and has been teaching in Miami-Dade County Public Schools since 1998. She has worked as a volunteer leader for the 4-H Club for the past four years. Having fifteen years of experience in the corporate world has made it easy for Elizabeth to incorporate technology into the classroom. Elizabeth is creative and effective in using hands-on techniques. As an active participant of Citibank FamilyTech program, Elizabeth has provides opportunities for her students to be involved in technology.

Subjects:  Science and General Education

Grade Levels:  1 through 3

Email Elizabeth



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