
A Field Trip into the Sea software. Sunburst Communications. Pleasantville, NY: 1991.

Michaels, Joel. Shark Watch. Worthington Press: St. Petersburg, Florida: 1997.

Anton, Tina. Sharks Sharks Sharks. Raintree Steck-Vaughn: Austin, Texas: 1992

Doris, Ellen. Marine Biology. Thames and Hudson Inc. New York: 1993.

The Best of Internet Activities. Teacher-Created Materials. Westminster, CA: 1999.

Just Craft Recipes fun recipes that kids can make

Pelagic Shark Research Foundation learn all about shark research

OceanLink rich site with ask a scientist, animal archives, aqua facts, and career information

Reference Library learn about the food chain on land and sea

Sea World 
great information on all creatures of the sea

Seaworld- Sharks and Rays Seaworld teaches all about sharks and rays

Shark Island go on a virtual fieldtrip to the island of the sharks

Online Encyclopedia
type in a word to learn about sharks and other sea creatures

Zoom shark printout sheets, the evolution of the shark and shark fact sheets

Shark Safari take an online quiz about sharks

Map Quest type in information and learn where sharks live on the earth

The Place for Maps
get a free online monthly map newsletter

How Far Is It? learn all about distance and different locations on the earth