
Grade Level: First

Time Required: 30-40 minutes

Objective: Students understand that structures of living things are adapted to their function in specific environments.

Skills: Observing, classifying and categorizing,


In this lesson the students learn how the structures of living things are adapted to their function in specific environments. They will also learn how certain animals use camouflage to protect themselves from predators.

Materials required:
A computer connected to the Internet, a VCR, a television, desktop publishing program, writing and construction paper, crayons and markers

a.  blend        b. hide     c. cover     d. disguise   e. conceal


This lesson is structured in the style of Bloom's Taxonomy.  It is meant to integrate higher level thinking skills into this unit.  The activities listed below are set up to be completed within a week.  


Knowledge-Learn the meaning of camouflage.  Allow the students to watch a movie explaining animal camouflage.


Time Life-The Kratt’s Creatures Collection-The Great Defenders/Spots And Stripes Forever

Comprehension- The students will demonstrate their understanding of camouflage by designing a butterfly that blends into a classroom habitat. Visit:

Classroom Camouflage.

Application- Using desktop publishing, write, edit and publish a “mini” booklet of at least six animals that use camouflage to protect themselves.

Analysis- Engage the students in an oral discussion on camouflage. Have the children to pretend that they are prey protecting themselves from a predator.  Ask them which colors they would wear in a rainforest, a desert, a savannah, and the North Pole?


Have the students to make a picture collage of a local ecosystem; students can download pictures of animals and plants from the Internet or use a CD-ROM with clip art.  Then, using desktop publishing, write and publish a short report explaining how the plants and habitants their all bend in with their surroundings.

Technology Connection-

Print out and color an animal who uses camouflage to protect itself from predators.  

Animal Hide and Seek- this is a primary web quest about animal camouflage.





The students will write simple poems about a camouflage animal of their choice. Students can then publish their poems at Kid Authors or Funhouse.


Home Learning:
Using any word processing software, have the students to complete a book report on animal of their choice who uses camouflage as a means of protection.

Have the students to make shoebox exhibits showing various animals camouflaged in their natural habitats.  When these projects are returned have the students to share them with the class.  Then display them in your classroom science center or in your school’s library. Teacher can create an evaluation of the diorama using a Rubistar Display Rubric.


Resource List:


Mountain Lions, Big Cats (Nature Books)            A New True Book

By Naura Gouck                                                     African Animals

Child World, 2001                                                  By John Wallace Purcell

                                                                              Children Press, Chicago 1982


By Lynn M. Stone                                                  Animals and Their “Hiding Places”             

Rourke Enterprises, Inc.                                          Books for young explorers          

Vero Beach, FL 19989                                            National Geographic Society, 1996               


A New True Book “Predators”                         

By Mark Rosenthal                                        

Children’s Press, Chicago 1983                           


