The following passage has been taken from the beginning of Chapter Four. Read it all the way through. Then fill in each blank with a word that makes sense. Afterwards, you   may compare your language with that of the author.



Maggie had grown bored with not writing cursive, but by now the whole third grade was interested in her revolt. Each day, they _____________________ to see whether she gave in.  Her ____________________    talked about it at lunchtime. In the _______________________ she overheard a fourth grader say, "There                  ______________________ that girl who won't write cursive." Many ______________________________            thought she was brave; others thought she ____________________________  acting stupid. Obviously, Maggie could not back _______________________ now. She had to protect her pride.


________________________ and Kelly, best friends who sat opposite another, did not approve of Maggie.


Courtney ____________________ "Only first and second graders print."


Kelly ______________________, “I think you are acting dumb, Maggie."


Jo Ann _____________________ from the next table. "If you are ___________________  trouble, maybe I can help you on ___________________.”


"I'm not having trouble," Maggie whispered back.  __________________________ just don't want to do it." Then ___________________ worried. What if others thought Gifted and Talented Maggie couldn't write cursive if she wanted t